Happy Toilets @ Preschools Programme
A new holistic programme, renewable annually, aims at encouraging preschools to achieve the highest accreditation of completing the three phases on Design, Maintenance and Education within a 3-month period.
Preschools will be accredited with the Platinum Award if they achieve the highest accreditation for three consecutive years. This new programme, which was launched by Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) Ms Low Yen Ling on 3 February 2015, adopts a more holistic approach that replaces the previous Happy Toilet School Education for Preschools (HTSEP).
Programme Application FormGrading System
To resonate better with parents, teachers and preschoolers, a simple grading system will be employed for preschools participating in the programme.
A certificate will be presented to each preschool. A ‘Thumbs up' icon will be displayed in the certificate to determine the completion of a phase of the Happy Toilets @ Preschool programme. As there are three phases in total, preschools are able to get a maximum of three ‘thumbs up'. Preschools that successfully complete only two phases will be awarded two ‘thumbs up' and only one ‘thumbs up' icon will be displayed if only one phase has been successfully attempted. The three phases are:
Design Phase
It is mandatory for participating preschools to complete the Design phase to meet the minimum accreditation. This means preschools that have completed the Maintenance and/or Education phase(s) without completing the Design phase will not be accredited. The completion of the design phase is to ensure all preschool toilets meet the minimum standard equivalent to the three-star rating of the Happy Toilet Programme.
[Download assessment checklist]
[Submit assessment checklist here]
Maintenance Phase
On-site Training will be conducted by qualified trainers for existing cleaning crew who are not trained in toilet cleaning. Cleaning crew will also be granted the option to be assessed under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) for competency.
Education Phase
The education phase will also adopt a holistic approach in its execution. This method complements the maintenance and design phases of the programme by exploring all avenues to educate all user stakeholders. The stakeholders form the three main target groups. Separate talks and workshops will be conducted for each target group. Taking into consideration the age levels of each target demographic, each talk or workshop will be customised to appeal to each group and achieve the necessary outcomes.
• Target Group 1: K1 and K2 (Compulsory)
A 45 minute talk will be conducted for this target group at the venue of the preschool. In this setting, students will be made aware of the need to practise good hygiene habits and adopt the desired restroom etiquette.
• Target Group 2: Preschool Teachers and Associated Staff
A 45 minute workshop will be conducted at the preschool for all staff. This workshop serves to engage staff members on matters relating to toilet standards, general etiquette awareness and behavioural practices of preschoolers in toilets.
• Target Group 3: Parents and Other Family Members of Preschoolers
Family members of preschoolers will be invited for a separate 45 minute talk at the preschool. This talk serves to inform them about the preschool's efforts within the HTPP and provide general information about restroom etiquette and proper hygiene practices. Family members would be made aware of the need to maintain clean toilets in preschool and at home to preserve what preschoolers learn during their separate talk.
In order to complete the education phase of the HTPP, preschools need to successfully complete at least two out of three Target Group talks and workshops.
Furthermore, of the 2 completed Target Groups, it is mandatory that the talk for Target Group 1 be completed. This means that preschools can either arrange for workshops for Target Group 2 or 3 or both, but they must complete the talk for the first Target Group.
Design phase | |
Assessment of water closets, urinals and showers | - S$50 |
Maintenance phase | |
Training session for cleaning attendant | - S$50 per session |
Education phase | |
Workshops for 3 target groups | - S$50 per session |